SIMPLI Home Core Values Feedback Survey
IMPORTANT - your responses are 100% anonymous. The more truthful and candid the answers the better.
The goal of the core values exercise is to create a list of values/principles that describe how your team behaves. These should be unique to your company and help define your culture.
Indicates required field
Please think about the colleagues or employees at simpli-home that describe your top performers. The colleagues that fit both the culture and contribute to the success of the business, The type of people that if cloned would help the business rapidly achieve it's goals. What values, attributes, qualities would you use to describe these people?
What types of behaviors or qualities are not a good fit for Simpli-home?
Please share you top 5 suggestions for Simpli-Home core values
Core Value #1
Core Value #2
Core Value #3
Core Value #4
Core Value #5